An introduction of over 300 business email templates you can use as is! You can quickly search for the most suitable phrases by subject and receiving party. With complete example sentences and explanations, this one book is best for new employees and young workers. This book also features the basics for making business reports and techniques for reducing the amount of time spent sending emails.
This book is great for Japanese 3rd year level learners and above as it can also help with sending professional emails when communicating with your sensei!
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You lack skills in writing emails. Writing emails take up time. You want to say something, but can't find the appropriate words. You're always using the same phrases. This book is your solution to these types of problems. The amount of emails that have corrected thus far have been over 15,000 "professional emails," but with this book we can teach you how to communicate "correctly," "quickly," and "with ease." In order to solve the obvious question "how should I write," this book features common example sentences with the "good" and "incorrect" formula for quality comparisons and explanations. With this book you'll be able to acquire the writing skills to replace your writing with your needed scenarios. This book features the "10 rules by fast working people" which includes how to: "confirm," "request," "persuade," "reject," "identify or bring attention to," "insist or object," "apologize," "consult," and "to get approval," this book if fully loaded with scenes you can use as is. You can master writing emails and essential working skills just by reading this book.
This book is recommended for Japanese 4th year learners and above.
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What this book can do: greetings, appearance, and how to conduct phone calls will be understood as "Japanese common knowledge." Serving customers, visiting, reporting to and contacting colleagues will be understood as "common sense of the workplace." This one book will help you acquire the confidence to be successful when it comes to these Japanese business etiquettes. This book also features explanations in English and Chinese. Whether you work for a Japanese company abroad or a business in Japan, this book will give you the foundation of business manners with detailed explanations. A must see for working foreigners of Japan.
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What this book can do: Help one understand the fundamental manners of Japanese styled phone calls. Understand natural Japanese as spoken by a native Japanese speaker. While you may not be perfect, you will be able to communicate in your own words without facing any obstacles. One unit takes 30 minutes, and with 35 units, you will be able to master phone call etiquette and manners, commonly used vocabulary, and phrases.
What this book can do: You will be able to understand the basics of writing Japanese style business emails. You will be able to apply this fundamental knowledge to a variety of things and put your skills to practical use. Through the themed email assignments in this book, you will be able to practice real life business interactions. Split into 17 categories by function, you will master the fundamentals of how to write business emails, email etiquette, and commonly used vocabulary.
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You've just finished your college entrance exams and are officially a new college student. Well then, what is the best way to study? College and high school are quite different, in college you can think, write, and report on your favorite topics freely, but.. how do you do that? In this coming of age story, first year characters "manabu" and "kako" show you how to decide on topics, search for sources, and write your first report!
While this book is aimed for Japanese students just graduating high school and moving onto college, this guide is great for Japanese language students writing their first report in Japanese! This guide is recommended for 3rd year Japanese and above.
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Are your reports nothing but "soshite" "shikashi" and "mata"?
Sentences with a lot of the same conjunctions are difficult to read and give an immature impression. If you aren't great at using conjunctions, your paragraphs will not flow very well, so much that the meaning of your text could change. With this guide you will learn how to master the use of conjunctions to create an easy to read text or report.
This book is great for 3rd year and above Japanese learners who want to expand their use of conjunctions for their reports and essays!
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With this one book you can master 100 essential (writing) skills! Ranked in the best 40 for "how to write reports, in order of importance" !
Rules 1-7 help you understand the actual feeling of "writing ability improvement"
7 to 20 shows you how to master becoming a "skillful writer"
20 to 40 helps you obtain the skills to "write at a professional level"
This guide is great for more advanced learners who really want to step up their game in writing academic styled papers. This guide is recommended for 4th year level students and above.
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