Resource Guide for Japanese Language Students: Level 0-1

This is a guide for teachers and students who are interested in finding reading/visual materials appropriate for their language level in Japanese available in the Univ. of Kansas Libraries..

About This Page

This page is for beginner learners of Japanese enrolled in either JPN 104 or JPN 108. Text offer furigana for both katakana words and kanji. Usually simple stories that test both skills needed for the future and a review of what has been learned. 

にほんご多読ブックス レベル 0-1

そのほかのえほん = Other Picture Books

にほんごよむよむ文庫 レベル 0

にほんごよむよむ文庫レベル 1

えほん = Picture Books (Bilingual): Kodansha Nihongo Folktales Series

Each tale is rewritten in simple conversational-style Japanese, using hiragana script only. Also provides English translations.

To see a sample text in another tab, please click on the cover image or the title.