East Asian Library at KU has the variety of Japanese comics (manga). Most of them have the call number starting with "PN6790.J33." The Japanese comics tend to be multi-volume story, and there are multiple short stories in one volume. Although it is limited in number, KU Libraries has some Japanese comics translated into English. There are also mangas that include the original Japanese along with the English translation on the same page.
Please pay attention to the location information of English version (they are not East Asian Library's collection and stored in Watson Regular Library).
If you are looking for more comics, search by the author's name or title. Since most of them start with the call number "PN6790.J33," you could search by using this call number. Make sure to select the appropriate search option from the drop-down box:
The Watson Library carries several Mangajin magazines. These magazines focuses on Japanese culture and language with examples from mangas. In each issue, there are several Japanese cultural and language lessons along with four to five segments from different mangas in both English and Japanese. The Mangajin formats the manga where the original Japanese version is on the left side followed with the translation, phonetic sounds and grammar lessons on the right page.
This bilingal book explores the fascination of Japanese onomatopoeias used in mangas. Each page includes a short manga with a couple of onomatopoeias in Japanese, the phanetic sounds in English and the explination of each of the sounds in both Japaense and English. Each of the onomatopoeias are devided into chapters such as Feeling & Emotions to Cooking & Food.