Resource Guide for Japanese Language Students: For Listening Practice: Read Aloud Picture Books

This is a guide for teachers and students who are interested in finding reading/visual materials appropriate for their language level in Japanese available in the Univ. of Kansas Libraries..

About This Page

This page collects youtube video clips which read loud picture books, recited by actors and voice actors. Many other resources exist both within youtube and beyond on the internet to use accordingly. Sources cited here typically have large channels that will much more content to review on both Japanese culture as well as traditional folk tales. 

浦島太郎(うらしまたろう) by ゆめあるチャンネル

 A reading of the famous Japanese tale with illustrations. ゆめあるチャンネル provides video content surrounding children's stories and translations of popular children's videos. For more content click here

よみきかせ日本昔ばなし by ホリプロ

Actors of Hori Production reads aloud famous Japanese folk tales. To see the playlist, click here.

おやすみロジャー by ASUKASINSHA

Asukashinsha, a major Japanese publisher, provides 10 minute stories to help you fall asleep. You can listen to their stories by different voice actors here.


『チックタック~約束の時計台』 by 西野亮廣エンタメ研究所ラジオ

Akino Nishihiro, a Japanese entertainer who is also known as the writer of children's literature. Via his youtube account, he introduces his own story, recited by Keiko Toda, a famous actress/voice actress. This beautifully animated video provides Japanese subtitles.

声優による絵本読み聞かせ by バンダイナムコ

876 TV, BANDAI NAMCO's official Youtube site, presents read alouds by popular voice actors, including Kappei Yamaguchi, Kenji Nojima and Yurin. To see the list of video clips, click here.

絵本世界の童話読み聞かせ by Popo Kids

Popo Kids provides the variety of read aloud video clips, including Japanese folk tales, famous tales around the world, and original picture books published by 森のえほん館, a streaming service company for picture books. To see their playlists, click here.


絵本 読み聞かせ by Kids Tube

Kids Tube provides the variety of educational video clips for children ages 3-5. To see their list of read aloud video clips, click here.

「やさいのようせい N.Y SALAD」

This series, originally created by Yoshitaka Amano (character designer of Final Fantasy), tells the stories of the vegetable fairies living in the kitchen somewhere in New York. The video clip below is the first episode of the series. To see the whole playlist in Japanese, click here. The clips are also available in English. Too see the whole playlist of the English version, click here