Resource Guide for Japanese Language Students: Level 2

This is a guide for teachers and students who are interested in finding reading/visual materials appropriate for their language level in Japanese available in the Univ. of Kansas Libraries..

About This Page

This page is recommended for those enrolled in either JPN 204 or JPN 208. There is a wider variety of content to choose from beyond the first year level of books. Furigana is also removed from katakana letters in these tales but is still used in tandem with kanji. 


Level 2 Books

Series 1

Series 2

More Books

Paperback collection for children. KU has about 160 volumes of this series. Each volume has approx. 150-200 pages. Seach KU online catalog with call number PL753 .P8195 for more titles.

To see a sample text, please click on the cover image or the title.

子どものための本: ポプラ社文庫(丸一つ)

Series 3

Series 4