Haiti, Cuba and the Caribbean : Caribbean Literature

A guide that supports research about Haiti, Cuba, and the Caribbean with resources in English, French, and Spanish.

Nobel Prize for Literature - Caribbean authors

Caribbean Literature

Caribbean poetry

Creole language

Writers of the Caribbean Website

The Caribbean writer -- literary database

Derek Walcott

Derek Walcott


Films on Demand  database makes additional film footage about Nobel Laureate in Literature Derek Walcott available through Films Media Group. 

Note:  Licensed for all KU students, faculty, and staff connecting to the Internet.  Search "Derek Walcott"

Caribbean authors and historians

For a complete listing of KU Libraries' holdings of any author, go to the KU Libraries' catalog, choose AUTHOR, and search the name.

Database of Black Fiction and Folklore

Postcolonial Literature

Caribbean authors & the Haitian revolution

Notable U.S. authors' works about the Caribbean

Haitian, Cuban, Jamaican, and Migration Literature

See additional pages specifically related to Haitian, Cuban, Jamaican, and Migration literature.