This page contains selected article databases useful for East Asian studies. Some databases are full-text while others only contain indexes. Each database has different coverage, so it is highly recommended that you try multiple databases to do a thorough search. If you find bibliographic records of interest from index databases, please search the KU Online Catalog to find out which journal publishes the article. If we don't have the journal, please place an interlibrary loan request.
These are the recommended databases to begin journal article searches for Asian studies. Also consult China, Japan, and Korea library subject guides and East Asian studies course guides for specific resources. For example, Education articles can be found in Eric, the education specific database. Education related to Asian studies, can also be found in the Bibliography for Asian Studies.
Almost all of the library databases can be accessed off-campus. When you access from off-campus, connect to the KU Anywhere VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access these databases. If you don't have the KU Anywhere VPN installed, please see for more information. Find help at offered by KUIT.
Also consult subject guides for China, Japan, and Korea for language databases and course guides for research help.
We can help with your research questions -- contact us by chat, phone, email, text or at a Research Help desk.