*Slavic Languages and Literatures: Linguistics

A Subject Guide for Graduate-level Research


Linguistics: researching Slavic languages

NOTE: This topic has its own LibGuide.  By clicking on the links in this box, you will be directed to the LibGuide for Linguisticswhich includes many resources related to Slavic languages and linguistics in addition to general language and linguistics.

For a general overview of the Slavic (or Slavonic) Languages, see the books below.  



Language and Linguistics

Geoff Husic

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Geoff Husic
Slavic, Linguistics, and Near East Studies Librarian

Room 519 Watson Library
University of Kansas
1425 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045-7544
Voice 785-864-3957
FAX 785-864-3850