*Slavic Languages and Literatures: Articles & Databases

A Subject Guide for Graduate-level Research


Articles & Databases: choosing and searching resources

This page presents the most important library databases for doing research in Slavic Languages and Literatures (SLL).  Prominent journals in the field are listed in the left column. The video in the center column describes what is meant by a library database, and is followed by a list of databases specific to Slavic & Eurasian studies, a list of multi-subject databases that include SLL content.  For help in searching these databases, see the tutorials in the right column.  The right column also features a tool (Citation Linker) for locating articles using the citation information.

Selected online journals

Selected Online Journals

The list of ABSEES Core Journals includes journals published in North American that are indexed in ABSEES (approx. 1990-present). 

What is a database? - tutorial

What's a Library Database?

Slavic & Eurasian studies databases (English & foreign langauges)

Slavic & Eurasian Studies Databases (English & Foreign Languages)

American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European Studies

Multi-subject databases (mostly English)

Multi-Subject Databases (Mostly in English)

To search for articles in many databases simultaneously, go to PRIMO.

Other Selected Databases

Google Scholar Search

Find Articles by Citation

Find Articles by Citation

Citation Linker

Database Tutorials