FREN 720: Introduction to Graduate Studies in French: Reference Sources

An introduction to library and other research resources for graduate students in French literature.

Online Dictionaries & Other e-Reference Sources

Dictionnaires d'autrefois (Old French)

Dictionnaires d'autrefois  are located in the ARTFL-FRANTEXT database:

  • Jean Nicot, Thresor de la langue françoyse, tant ancienne que moderne 
    Jean Nicot's Thresor de la langue françoyse is the key to the development of French lexicography. 
  • Jean-François Féraud, Dictionaire critique de la langue française 
    Jean-François Féraud's Dictionaire critique de la langue française (1787-1788) is far from a mere general dictionary. 
  • Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française
    The Académie française was founded by Cardinal Richelieu in 1635 with the primary goal of creating a French dictionary. 
  • Émile Littré, Dictionnaire de la langue française
    Émile Littré's literary dictionary of classical French (1872-1877) is incorporated into the Dictionnaires d'autrefois Collection.


Reference Sources

Databases have largely replaced printed bibliographies, but the following titles are still important. Print bibliographies are especially useful for single-author studies and similar focused topics. To find bibliographies in the library catalog, you can search by "Subject Heading" under:

  • French literature - Bibliography - Periodicals
  • French literature - History and criticism - Bibliography
  • French literature - 20th century - Bibliography
  • Renaissance - Bibliography - Periodicals


Bassan, Fernande. An annotated bibliography of French language and literature.  Z2175.A2 B38 1976 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Besterman, Theodore. A world bibliography of bibliographies and bibliographical catalogues, calendars, abstracts, digests, indexes, and the like. 4th edition. 5 vols.  Z1002 .B5685 1982 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Cabeen, David. A critical bibliography of French literature. Z2171 .C5 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Cioranescu, Alexandre. Bibliographie de la littérature française du dix-septième siècle.  Z2172 .C52 v. 1-3 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Cioranescu, Alexandre. Bibliographie de la littérature française du dix-huitième siècle. Z2172 .C48 v. 1-3 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Kempton, Richard. French literature: an annotated guide to selected bibliographies.  Z2171 .A1 C34 1981 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Klapp, Otto. Bibliographie der franzosischen Literaturwissenschaft.  Z2171 .K55 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)  **This resource is also available online in the Databases A-Z listed under Klapp-Online, Bibliography of French Literature

French XX Bibliography. (French Institute) Z2173 .M6 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Bibliographie internationale de l’Humanisme et de la Renaissance. Z6207 .R4 B5 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Place, Joseph and Place, Georges G. Bibliographie des auteurs modernes de langue française. Z2173 .T3 v.1-22 (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Rancoeur, René.  Bibliographie de la littérature française du Moyen Age à nos jours. Z2171 .R3X (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

Rancoeur, René. Bibliographie de la littérature franc̜aise moderne (16.-20. siècles).  Z2171 .R3X (Watson Library 2 1/2 Center Stacks)

The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies.  Print PB1 .Y45 (Watson Library 2 West Stacks)

Guides & Dictionaries

Grand dictionnaire encyclopédique Larousse.  AE25 .G63 1982 (Watson Library 1 East Stacks)

Levi, Anthony. Guide to French Literature, 2 vols. PQ226 .L48 1992 (Watson Library 3 West Stacks)

Beaumarchais, Jean-Pierre de. Dictionnaire des écrivains de langue française.  PQ41 .B412 2001 (Watson Library Reference Collection - 3rd floor near service desk)

Beaumarchais, Jean-Pierre de. Dictionnaire des littératures de langue française.  PQ41 .B4 1994 v. 1-4 folio (Watson Library 1 1/2 East Stacks)

Beaumarchais, Jean-Pierre de. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires de langue française.  PQ41 .B42 1994 folio (Watson Library 1 1/2 East Stacks)

Imbs, Paul. Trésor de la langue française; dictionnaire de la langue du XIXe et de XXe siècle (1789-1960). PC2625 .I4  v. 1-16 (Watson Library Reference Collection - 3rd floor near service desk)

Littré, Emile. Dictionnaire de la langue française. PC2625 .L63 v. 1-7 (Watson Library Reference Collection - 3rd floor near service desk)

Reference E-Books