Guide to Japanese Sake: Japanese Studies Resources Series: Sake TV Commercials

This guide means to assist research on the history, traditions, and culture on Japanese Sake, as well as provide information on Sake Brewers. We recommend using a PC/tablet when viewing this guide, sorry for the inconvenience.

About This Page

This page collects sake commercials, mainly uploaded in Youtube. Most of them are uploaded by individual contributors. Details of these commercials, such as producation/broadcasting date, are unknown, indicated otherwise. Most of these commercials are in Japanese.

スパークリング清酒「澪」featuring Mao Asada

出羽桜 Dewazakura

黄桜 Kizakura

白鶴 Hakutsuru

白糸酒造 Shiraito Shuzo

山の壽 Yama no Kotobuki

今里酒造 Imasato Shuzo

小西酒造 Konishi Shuzo