SciFinder is a major chemistry database indexing journal articles, patents, books, and reports. Subjects covered extend well beyond chemistry into related areas in medicine, physics, mathematics, and biology. It is organized by Chemical Abstracts Service owned by ACS (American Chemical Society). Indexing goes back to 1907.
The database includes the following sections:
You must register to use SciFinder. You will then access SciFinder with your own personal ID/password. Here are directions on how and where to register.
EXPLORE REFERENCES: Identify the literature through keyword searching, author(s) name(s), journal title.
Specific features to focus your search results:
On the results page you can identify:
EXPLORE SUBSTANCES: Identify the literature through structure searching. Can limit to exact structure, substructure, or similar structure. Locate commerical source information such as supplier & cost.
EXPLORE REACTIONS: Can use the substructure drawing features and assign roles for reaction participants. Can filter results by solvent, number of step, etc.