The Library Catalog includes records for our print and electronic journals. Use the "Journal Title" field to narrow your search in the catalog.
"Electronic Resource" indicates the electronic version.
E-journal search is a defined search only for electronic journals.
These records tell you what titles the libraries subscribe to including what years. To identify articles, you need to search databases such as PsycINFO and LLBA.
If you do not see a PDF version of the article you need, click on the KULink button. This will provide a list of where the full text is available. You may also click on a link to do a search in the KU catalog to determine if KU has the print. And if you it is not available at KU use the link to order it through Interlibrary Loan.
You have the following citation to a journal article and you need to find the article:
The Library Catalog includes records for our print and electronic journals. Use the "Journal Title" field to narrow your search in the catalog.
"Electronic Resource" indicates the electronic version.
E-journal search is a defined search only for electronic journals.
These records tell you what titles the libraries subscribe to including what years.