Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature in Translation (EALC 318/590): Articles

Research resources on modern Chinese authors fiction and film. MLA writing style and an annotated bibliography of "works cited" are assigned for final paper.

Database Search Tips

Brainstorming keywords and search terms.

Use subject headings or descriptors to generate good search terms.

When you find a good article, look at its References or Works Cited. That will often lead you to other useful sources. 


Find Articles

Citation Linker

Type data in the citation Linker.  The system will attempt to locate an e-copy if KU Libraries have it.  

From question to keywords (0:59)
How to develop keywords (1:29)
Search Using Keywords (2:22)

What is a Library Database?

What's a library database? | RMIT University

East Asian Studies Databases at KU

What is a Scholarly Journal Article? (UWLibraries 2:56)