Linguistics: Call Number Ranges for Language Families

Guide to KU Library resources for general linguistics and Slavic linguistics topics including database information, linguistics keywords used in the Catalog, and other information

Call Number Ranges for Language Families (brief list)

PA                Classical languages (Latin and Greek)
PB                Celtic
PC                Romance languages
PD                Germanic languages
PE                English language
PG                Slavic languages
PH                Finno-Ugric
PJ                 Arabic, Hebrew, Semitic, East Asian
PK                Indo-Iranian languages and literatures
PL                Turkic, and Asian languages
PM                Native American languages


For the fuller (but not totally complete) Library of Congress schedule for language families and languages, please follow this link (a Google shared pdf document, so links don't work) or download the original pdf at Library of Congress.

Geoff Husic

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Geoff Husic
Slavic, Linguistics, and Near East Studies Librarian

Room 519 Watson Library
University of Kansas
1425 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045-7544
Voice 785-864-3957
FAX 785-864-3850