Dr. Caroline S. ChabooCaroline Chaboo was a former assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and curator in the University of Kansas Natural History Museum. She has extensive field experience in Austral Asia, the Americas and southern Africa. She is a beetle specialist and is investigating arthropod community diversity in the Neotropics.
Learn more about her research here: http://biodiversity.ku.edu/entomology/people/caroline-chaboo . Caroline Chaboo focuses on the biology, behavior and systematics of chrysomelid leaf beetles. After developing a hypothesis of broad evolutionary relationships, she is looking more closely at small groups, collecting and incorporating data from beetle life history, host plant choices, and insect defenses. Her research program goals are to refine evolutionary relationships, improve current classification schemes, and examine the evolution of various features, e.g., host plant choice, maternal care, gregariousness, construction behavior and morphology.