CHEM 695: Seminar: Web of Science; PubMed

Identifies chemistry resources to assist in identifying relevant literature for your research.

Web of Science

Web of Science is a database indexing mainly journal articles in all disciplines.  Its strength is in science & technology (1900-present). Most citations lead to research or scholarly articles.  Use the Get at KU feature to link to journal articles when available.

  • Topic Search searches for words in the title, abstracts, or supplementary keywords.
    • Consider changing the sorting of results to "Relevancy" instead of chronological order.
    • You can refine your search further by reviewing the options on the left side of the results screen.  For example, add another term to your search strategy.
  • Author Search:  In 2006, full first names were added to the database.  Full first names will retrieve articles from 2006 to the present.  To search pre-2006, search by initials.  If the middle initial is unknown, use a truncation symbol (*). e.g. Lunte C*.
  • Cited reference search allows you to search for a specific citation to identify who has cited that work.  At least enter an author's name and year.


PubMed indexes the biomedical literature back to the 1940s.  The citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.  Use the URL provided here to search PubMed.  The "Get at KU" link will appear with the citations that leads to articles available online.  PubMed uses Automatic Term Mapping that matches terms to entries in a thesaurus called Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). 

  • Keyword search: Entering a keyword will search in the title, abstracts, and subject headings if available.  First trying searching phrases without quotes.  If poor results, go back and search phrase with quotes.
  • If you wonder how PubMed is searching, look at the "Search Details" box on the right column.  You can see the terms that are being searched and where.
  • The Limits include publication year and language.
  • Note that you can quickly identify Review articles on the right under "Filter your results".
  •  shows up on the full record.  The publisher link to the article will only work if you're on campus.
  • Author search: The full first name was added in 2002.  To retrieve citations by author pre-2002, best to search by initials.   If middle initial unknown, use a truncation symbol. e.g. Lunte C*