PubMed database guide: Displaying results

Provides hints to accessing the literature in PubMed

Displaying citations

The results will appear in the Summary setting.  To change, click on the drop down menu by Display Settings.  Here you can change the format for display, items to be displayed per page, and the sorting order.  Summary (text) and Abstract (text) display records in plain text for printing.  Note that you will need the MEDLINE format when importing citations into EndNote.


Saving citations

To view the options for saving, click on drop down menu by Send To.    Mark the records by clicking in the check box adjacent to the record number.

  • File creates a text file of your PubMed citations to save on your computer.
  • Clipboard allows you to collection records from multiple searches.  Mark records to save, click on the clipboard option and move on to the next search.  Click on Clipboard in the right hand corner when finished.
  • You can send records to your E-mail.
  • You can save citations to Collections that you create on your "My NCBI" profile for later use.
  • Citation manager (limit of 200) allows you to select a bibliographic management software to send your citations.
  • To order articles, use the KU Libraries interlibrary loan service instead of the Order function provided here.