The following databases may be accessed by selecting the links below. Additional databases may be found by viewing the KU Libraries main page at
Please note that following each database selection, 'suggested uses' for class assignments are noted.
ProQuest Historical Annual Reports
Offers information on companies, including financial performance, key officers, competitors, and market trends.
FRAANK (Financial Reporting and Auditing Agent with Net Knowledge) gets financial information from 20K and 10Q, parses them, and populates an Excel spreadsheet. Seek-Inf (Search Engine for Extracting Knowledge from Industrial Filings) searches for non-financial and financial information from the following SEC filings: 8K, 10K, 10Q, 13F, DEF, 14A, S-1, Comment Letters, Response Letters, 20F, 40F, and AAERs.
The financial newspaper of record offering in-depth coverage of national and international finance as well as first rate coverage of hard news. Coverage extends from 1984 to 24 hours ago.
Suggested uses: Using the Topic Search button, look for “Company Reports” and narrow the results to determine if a company is included in this paper. Also try and advanced search combining company names with other topics such as “market share” or “sales.”