The Serial Set is shelved volumes numbers assigned when bound by the Government Printing Office.
The following SuDoc numbers are superseded to Y 1.1/2:[vol. number] when the bound volumes are recieved.
S.doc. Y 1.1/3:
S.exec.doc. Y 1.1/4:
S.rpt. Y 1.1/5:
S. exec.rpt. Y 1.1/6:
H.doc. Y 1.1/7:
H.rpt. Y 1.1/8:
Use the following tools to identify the Serial Set number:
You can search the KU Library Catalog for record describing the following government documents in the KU Libraries’ collections:
1. Publications such as books, journals, maps, & more issued after 1976.
2. Most published U.S. Congressional Hearings held at the KU Libraries (all dates).
3. Records linking to the electronic access for the U.S. Congressional Serial Set 1817-1980.
4. Publications (large serial runs, Congressional Hearings, others) located in the KU Libraries' Annex.
5. Miscellaneous title.
Search HelpThe Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications was a book cataloged produced by the Supertendent of Documents until it was replaced by the online Catalog of Government Publications. The records represent both depository items distributed to libraries as well as none depository item cataloged by the Government Print Office. Starting in 1925 the Monthly Catalog included the SuDoc classification numbers. Prior to 1925, these index entries do not include SuDoc numbers. Please use other resources (Cumulative Title Index; 1909 Checklist; Guide to U.S. Government Publications; and other resources) to find identify potential SuDoc numbers if an item was published before 1925.
The list arranged by title provides the SuDoc number. This is great resources when you have a known item title citation. Titles will includes series as well as serial and book titles.
List of government publications arranged by departments using the Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) call number.