This course examines the recent developments of Chinese cinema. Students are expected to view films, and learn theories and methodologies of film studies.
A collection of Zhang Yimou’s three classic films.
[disc 1-2.] 代號美洲豹 Dai hao Mei Zhou bao, 大紅燈籠高高掛 Da hong deng long gao gao gua, [disc 3.] 红高粱 Hong gao liang = Red Sorghun
In Mandarin 5.1 with optional soundtracks in English 5.1, English 2-channel or French 2-channel ; optional subtitles in English or French ; closed-captioned in English for the hearing impaired.
[Beijing] : Beijing dian shi yi shu zhong xin yin xiang chu ban she chu ban fa xing ; [Guangzhou] : Guangzhou huan ya yin xiang zhi zuo fa xing you xian gong si, 2001.