Chinese Cinema (EALC 590): Books

This course examines the recent developments of Chinese cinema. Students are expected to view films, and learn theories and methodologies of film studies.

WorldCat and DuXiu Knowledge Search

Library of Congress classification numbers. | Watson Library stack map: Click Here

WorldCat  Includes millions of records describing items owned by OCLC member libraries, including the KU Libraries.
 DuXiu 读秀 meta search engine (2 million Chinese ebooks and etexts)
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Catalogs & Search Tips



Identify Keywords:  Before searching the Library Catalog or other databases, take a few minutes to write down all the words that describe your topic.  Use these words in keyword searches. For more help with search strategies, follow the links immediately below.

    Follow the Bibliographic Trail:  An effective method for gathering reliable information is to follow the citations or references from one source to another.  Just as internet links take you to other pages or sources recommended by a site's webmaster, the author of a book or article provides a series of notes or references in a bibliography. These references typically lead to other useful sources on the topic. 

    Can't Find Books on Your Topic?  Some content on a topic can be hidden in small chunks within general works.  For example, there may be a few pages or paragraphs on the rusalki in W. F. Ryan's book Bathhouse At Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia.

    Still Can't Find Books Your Topic?  Use Worldcat to search the library cataolgs of other universities; then request to borrow the books through our Interlibrary Loan service.

    Search the Catalog

    Author Browse = zhang yimou

    Author Browse = feng, xiaogang

    Hou, Hsiao-hsien, 1947- see Hou, Xiaoxian, 1947-


    Mo, Yan, 1955-

    Yu, Hua, 1960- Hua zhe.


    Ge, You, 1957- 

    Gong, Li, 1965- 


     Zhang, Yimou.

    Jia, Zhangke

    Hou, Xiaoxian

    Chen, Kaige

    Jiang, Wen

    Wong, Kar-Wai, 1958-

     Subject Headings

    Comedy films --China.
    Feature films --China --Hong Kong.
    Homosexuality in motion pictures
    Motion pictures, Chinese.
    Motion pictures, Chinese --China.
    Motion picture producers and directors --Drama.
    Social problems in motion pictures
    Women in motion pictures

    Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Services

    Request Materials (articles and books)