IBUS 820 (BIRCH) - Spring 2020: Trade Publications

This guide is specific to the group research projects for Prof. Birch's IBUS 820 Spring 2020. New content will be added as more questions arise and topics develop.

Trade Publications

Trade publications are created by or on behalf of business, professional associations and trade organizations. You are already using much of this materials when you do internet searches, but not all content is easily accessible.  In fact some of the information is considered highly proprietary.  So rather than relying solely on the content that is pushed out and easily discoverable, also search for trade publications via licensed databases.  Trade publications can include:

  • trade journals
  • press releases
  • newsletters
  • white papers
  • websites
  • news
  • reports 

This section of the guide provides tools and strategies for discovery and access to trade publications. 

Note:  these resources are starting points and should not be the only resources used for your research, analysis and synthesis. 



Trade Publications Databases

The following are great for finding trade publications and other business related content from scholarly, organizations and news sources.