Located on the top floor of Marvin Hall, this is a non-circulating collection of over 4,000 books, 30 ongoing magazine subscriptions, and a small collection of maps.
The most comprehensive index to journal literature in architecture, urban design, historic preservation, and urban planning history covering more than 700 U.S. and foreign journals. Updated weekly
Dedicated to housing and community issues. It contains full-abstract citations to research reports, journal articles, books and data sources in housing policy, economic development, urban planning and other relevant fields.
Includes review articles, annotated bibliographies, listings and abstracts of recent literature in city and regional planning design. Each issue contains one to three refereed literature reviews and Council of Planning Librarians Bibliographies; book reviews; several hundred abstracts of books, journal articles, dissertations, and several hundred bibliographic listings.
Includes an index to over 300 architectural periodicals held in the Royal Institute of British Architects as well as the catalog to the library's collection, the photograph collection, the drawing collection, the manuscript collection, and a biographical database of architects.
Urban Studies Abstracts. See Academic Search Premier which provides full text access to the journals indexed in this database.
Contains full-text peer reviewed journal articles as well as newspapers, blogs, wire services, and general interest periodicals from across all academic disciplines.
This resource is being supported through collaborative efforts between the KU Libraries and the State Library of Kansas.