Library Resources for Kansas Residents: KU Library Borrower Card

This guide contains information regarding library services and resources for residents of Kansas.

KU Library Borrower Card

Eligible Kansas residents may borrowing circulating materials using a KU Library Borrower Card. Cost for a card is $20.00, and it is good for one year. Cards will need to be renewed by the one-year purchase anniversary date in order to retain ongoing library privileges. The KU Library Borrowing Card will be honored at the following locations:

Applications for a KU Library Borrower Card and renewals are available from the Watson Library Checkout Desk on the Lawrence campus up until one hour before service desk closing. Please note the Watson Library Hours before visiting.

Applicants will need to present identification and proof of residency. Please see the KU Library Borrower Card policies and procedures for more information.

Borrrowing Library Materials

Circulating and non-circulating materials, including reference, closed stack, and journal collections, may be used in the libraries. 

KU Library Borrower Card holders may have up to 20 items checked out at one time.

Long-term loan items may be borrowed for 6 weeks. An item may be renewed up to 5 times via the Library Catalog. Long-term loans can be recalled by another library borrower.  If an item you have checked out is recalled, you will be notified of a new due date when the item must be returned. Overdue charges for recalled items are $2 per day or partial day per item.

Short-term loan items must be returned to the library from which they were borrowed  by their due date in order to avoid overdue charges.

See KU Libraries Policies: Access, Circulation, and Request Services for Resident (non-KU) Library Users and KU Libraries: Fines, Fees, Lost Item, and Damage Charges for Long-term, Short-term, Course Reserve, and Interlibrary Loan Library Materials for more information regarding borrowing privileges and overdue charges for library materials. 

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