*Russian Foreign Policy: A Guide to Research: Home

Includes recommended databases and other tools for research topics on Russian foreign policy.


Online Research Guide to POLS 675: Russian Foreign Policy

What Do You Need to Do?

This LibGuide Can Help You...

Focus a Topic: Review your assignment guidelines, textbook(s), and encyclopedias to explore ideas. Review The Craft of Research from the Help tab above to guide you through the research process. You can also explore topics by using the Encyclopedias & Country Guides tab. 

*Consult with your professor and/or librarian to refine your topic and develop a focused research question!  

Choose a Database and Find Articles: Use the Articles, Databases, & Journals  tab above.

Find a Book: Use the Books & Catalogs tab above.

Manage Sources: Use the Manage Sources tab above.

Evaluate Sources: Use the Evaluate Sources tab above. 

Cite Sources: Use the Cite Sources tab above. 

Other Relevant Guides

POLS 675: Russian Foreign Policy

Welcome to the online Research Guide for POLS 675: Russian Foreign Policy!

This guide offers suggestions for different aspects of your research assignment for this course. Please feel free to contact the librarian for additional assistance. 

RIAN archive 507433 Russian Foreign Ministry on Moscow's Smolenskaya Square

Image: Russian Foreign Ministry on Moscow's Smolenskaya Square from Wikimedia Commons.

International Collections Department - Slavic & Eurasian Collection, 519 (Watson Library)

Slavic & Eurasian Collection, Watson Library

The Slavic & Eurasian Collection unit is located in the International Collections department in Watson Library on Level 5  East.  Please feel free to walk in and meet with our librarians or set up an appointment for a consultation.  


Image:  International Area Studies (IAS) Department in Watson Library, University of Kansas

Slavic & Eurasian Studies

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Jon Giullian
International Collections
Watson Library - Level 5 East
University of Kansas
1425 Jayhawk Blvd, Rm 519
Lawrence, KS 66045
(785) 864-8854