KU Libraries' Digital Publishing Services
Digital Publishing Services, an initiative of KU Libraries, increases the impact and visibility of the high-quality research of KU faculty, staff and students free of charge through the design, production and online distribution of their scholarship. Our online open access publishing model follows best practices and standards that are designed to increase the reach and impact of the research, as well as providing long-term stewardship of the material after publication.
We help KU faculty, staff and students turn their scholarship into high-quality open access publications and publish them online:
Services provided:
All services are offered free of charge by KU Libraries Digital Publishing Services. Please contact Marianne Reed if you are interested in learning more about our services and how they can help KU faculty, staff, and students make their research more visible.
All KU editors, even those whose journals are not hosted by the Libraries, are invited to join the KUEDITORS-L online discussion list where KU editors can share information. Contact Marianne Reed for more information.
KU Libraries support a variety of software platforms to publish content in different formats, and can assist with moving traditional journal and monograph content to an online environment, as well as with publishing "born-digital" scholarship designed specifically for online publication. We also offer tools to help manage and streamline the production and editorial work involved in producing scholarly journals.
Journals Hosted by KU Libraries
KU Libraries provides KU journal editors with the technical infrastructure to publish their journals on either of two platforms: KU ScholarWorks, KU's institutional repository, which makes journals visible to a wide audience and assures their long term preservation and Open Journals System (OJS), which makes journals visible and assures their preservation, but also supports the entire editorial management workflow, including article submission, multiple rounds of peer-review, and indexing.
A list of the 45 (and growing!) journals published by KU Libraries Digital Publishing Services is available on the Journals@KU page.
Any KU editor is welcome to attend the KU Editors' Forums that are offered periodically by the Libraries' Digital Publishing Services. These Editors' Forums are a convenient way for any KU editor--not just those affiliated with our journals--to meet face-to-face with other editors to discuss issues of mutual interest concerning publishing. Contact Marianne Reed at mreed@ku.edu for more information and to be notified about future meetings.