Born Under the Red Flag 1976-1997, directed by Williams, Sue, in China: A Century in Revolution 3 (Zeitgeist, 1997), 112:50 mins
Class Meetings: T R 11:00AM - 12:15PM
Office Hours: M W 1:00 – 2:00pm and by appointment
Prof. Xiao, PhD, Office: Wescoe 2109, Email: hxiao[at sign]
Vickie Doll, Librarian for China and Korea Studies
Research resources are for contemporary China since 1978 after the "Economic Reform and Opening Up". Find books, articles, DVDs, news and current events on modern China's politics, economy, society, culture, and everyday life. Focus is on English language materials but Chinese language resources are also listed for future studies.
“Culture is always, in some way or another, the reflection of the historical period in which it is roduced. Thus, contemporary Chinese culture gives us a mirror of what is going on in China at this pivotal stage of interaction between China and the West. We watch Chinese movies, read Chinese literature, buy Chinese art, adopt Chinese influences in the design of our houses and gardens. We look at China and analyse it. But do we see the double layers in Chinese cultural artifacts? Do we understand the symbols in Chinese films? Do we see the value and quality of Chinese art? Do we recognize the age-old traditional influences in contemporary Chinese architecture? Can we really get to the core of it?
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