Introduction to Contemporary China (EALC 121): References

Research resources on contemporary China after reform and opening up for the past thirty years in its social, economical, political and cultural changes.

Reference Database

WorldCat and DuXiu Knowledge Search

Library of Congress classification numbers. | Watson Library stack map: Click Here

WorldCat  Includes millions of records describing items owned by OCLC member libraries, including the KU Libraries.
 DuXiu 读秀 meta search engine (2 million Chinese ebooks and etexts)
DuXiu meta search engine

Reference Works

Deng Xiaoping's speech:

 Build Socialism with Chinese characteristics. June 30, 1984 (Wellesley)  March 30, 1979. (Wellesley)
Uphold the Four Cardinal Principles, March 30, 1979. (People's Daily)

Further Reading
