Dissertations and Theses at KU and more: Format status of KU dissertations and theses

This guide indicates what resources to search for digitized and print theses and dissertations written by KU students and resources to search for theses and dissertations

Charts indicating status of KU theses and dissertations by year


Status by year Available in print

**Available online :

All searchable through "Quick Search"

Currently being digitized
1883-1922 Yes - *Annex Yes (KU ScholarWorks) Completed
1923-1931 Yes - Annex & Anschutz Yes (KU ScholarWorks) Completed
1932-1964 Yes - Annex & Anschutz Yes (KU ScholarWorks) ***Yes

Yes - Annex & Anschutz

Yes (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses)

No (KU ScholarWorks)

1978-Nov. 2005 Yes - Annex & Anschutz

Yes (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses)

No (KU ScholarWorks)

December 2005-mid-2007 No - Online only starting Dec. 2005

Yes (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses)

No (KU ScholarWorks)

mid-2007-Present No - Online only

Yes (KU ScholarWorks and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses), subject to any embargo period.

Status by year Available in print Available online Currently being digitized
1883-1922 Yes - *Annex Yes (KU ScholarWorks) Completed
1923-1931 Yes - Annex & Anschutz Yes (KU ScholarWorks) Completed
1932-1964 Yes - Annex & Anschutz Yes (KU ScholarWorks) ***Yes

Yes - Annex & Anschutz

Yes (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses)

No (KU ScholarWorks)

1978-Nov. 2005 Yes - Annex & Anschutz

Yes (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses)

No (KU ScholarWorks)

December 2005-mid-2007 No - Online only starting Dec. 2005; no print copies

Yes (ProQuest Dissertations and Theses)

No (KU ScholarWorks)

mid-2007-Present Online only

Yes (KU ScholarWorks and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses), subject to any embargo period.


*Archival copies in the Annex cannot be circulated and are available for use only in the Spencer Research Library.  To request Annex copies, please contact the Libraries' Acquisitions and Resource Sharing Department at illend@ku.edu.

**Online versions are available in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses and/or KU Scholarworks.  Content in both are searchable through Quick Search (Primo).

***Most titles have been digitized during this time period.