Books: Finding, Borrowing, and Using Books at KU Libraries and Beyond
Library Catalog Search Tips
AND, OR, NOT (Boolean operators)
Title, Journal Title
Subject Headings
Identify Keywords: Before searching the Library Catalog or other databases, write down all the words that describe your topic.
Follow the Bibliographic Trail: One proven method for gathering reliable information is to follow the citations, references, or footnotes from one source to another.
Browse Topics in the KU Online Catalog: Click on links in the "Subjects" field to find books about related topics. Examples: Diplomacy, Nationalism, International cooperation.
Can't Find Books on Your Topic? Some content on a topic can be hidden in small chunks within general works. So you may need to think more broadly about your topic.
Can't find it at KU? Search WorldCat, then borrow via Interlibrary Loan.
Dissertations & Theses