The KU Library catalog is your finding aid to all the books, e-books, journals, e-journals, videos, and other items. Please do not overlook these resources as you seek additional background materials about countries and their economic conditions.
The library catalog:
The catalog is used to discover which books, journals, and other materials the KU Libraries own and make available to you, whether in print, micorform, or electronic format.
From each individual record, you can follow the subject links to take you to related items!
Follow the links!
You can also perform KEYWORD searches and search combining terms using the AND connector, such as business AND technology, as an example.
If you wish to have items sent from one library location to another (including from Lawrence to the KU Edwards Campus in Overland Park, KS), please note that some items discovered in the catalog can be quickly shipped to a separate location for easy pick up.
In addition, some journal articles (depending on format) can be scanned and sent to your email account.
As always, contact me with an questions or problem you may have.