HIST 397: From Mao to Now: China's Red Revolution: Web Resources

Library resources on China Communist revolution and Maoism, from its ideological origins through its implementation during and after the Chinese Communist revolution, from 1949 to present.

CCP Propaganda Media

China congress: The Communist slogans praising Xi Jinping (BBC News.2:18) Source: YouTube.com at https://www.youtube.com/embed/2Akbd7ZXkZc

New English-Language Rap Song Aims to Educate Foreigners About China (Source: YouTube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjmBdYHqBW4 (4:08)


From "Pioneering Science" to "Building a World Science and Technology Power", from "Innovation-Driven Development" to "High-level Scientific and Technological Self-reliance." (Source Xinhua net at htttp://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2021-05/29/c_1127508108.htm

Mao 1958_1Mao 1964
Source: http://www.mzdbl.cn/xiangji/xiangji5.html   http://www.mzdbl.cn/huaji/index.html

Source: http://www.mzdbl.cn/huaji/huaji-ml-cz.html

Designer: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe collective work , 1969. Forging ahead courageously while following the great leader Chairman Mao!

Title: Forging ahead courageously while following the great leader Chairman Mao!
Designer: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe collective work, 1969 http://chineseposters.net/gallery/e12-631.phpt

"Many benefits of Family Planning"

Online articles and blogs

China, 1949 to Now

U.S. and China

Online Censorship