The following web sites will prove useful in researching a wide range of business-related topics. contains the largest single collection of free sample business plans online. is owned and operated by Palo Alto Software, Inc. as a free resource to help entrepreneurs plan better businesses. BPlans also provides access to several business calculator tools business owners may find useful
Site contains links to a number of business data and statistical sources compiled by the federal government covering banking, economics (national and regional), earnings, labor, and trade. Also contains links to statistical portals. is a business-focused search engine and directory which contains more than 400,000 listings within 65,000 industry, product and service subcategories. It contains information about companies (and their products and services)and is browsable by specific business topics such as accounting, financial services, management, telecommunications, and small business.
Doing Business: Benchmarking business Regulations
The Doing Business database provides indicators of the cost of doing business by identifying specific regulations that enhance or constrain business investment, productivity, and growth. The indicators are developed by the Private Sector Vice Presidency of the WBG in cooperation with the Lex Mundi Association of law firms, the International Bar Association, and Yale University's International Institute for Corporate Governance.
Emergence of Advertising in America: 1850-1920
This database includes over 9,000 images relating to the early history of advertising in the U.S. Materials digitized are from the Rare Book, MAnuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University.
GlobalEdge is a web portal providing a significant amount of information about international business, countries around the globe, US States, news, and industries.
The IMF is an international organization of 184 member countries. It was established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment.
This site contains a "collection of links to State government Web sites with useful information for businesses. Whether you are already in business, just starting, or expanding to a new state - there is something here for you! Visit the State Web sites below and find information on doing business in the state, taxation, links for employers, and more."
Online directory of newsletters covering business, investments, health, advertising, marketing and other topics.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. Revised every two years, the Handbook describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.
Provides links to state economic profiles, data on small businesses, regulatory information, and demographics of small business owners. Site calls itself "The voice of Small Business in the Federal Government and the source for small business statistics."
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers
ThomasNet is an industrial search engine that provides one source for finding an exact product, service, or supplier. ThomasNet also gives buyers direct access to the detailed information they need to make a purchasing or specifying decision, including line-item product details, CAD drawings, and more. For industrial suppliers, ThomasNet is a leading provider of Internet marketing solutions.