Spanish & Portuguese; Spain & Latin America - Recommended academic resources: Latin America & LANIC

This guide is designed for beginning to advanced students looking for the best resources on Spanish and Portuguese; Spain and Latin America and related fields.

Latin America



Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro

(Image:  Wikimedia Commons)

LANIC - Latin American Network Information Center

LANIC logo   

LANIC's  site provides research and academic resources, as well as being a source for news, art, music and recipes from Latin America.

LANIC’s editorially-reviewed directories contain over 12,000 unique URLs, one of the largest guides for Latin American Studies content on the Internet.  Information can be found in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 

The site hosts digital content on Latin America through its Etext Collection, including thousands of full text books, journals, speeches, and research papers. Included are the full text of over 2,000 speeches by Fidel Castro; over 75,000 pages of Presidential Messages from Argentina and Mexico; and hundreds of papers on Latin American topics presented at conferences around the world.

It also maintains an extensive collection of Latin American Government Documents (LAGDA).

(Description taken from Wikipedia)

Librarian for Spanish, Portuguese, Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Profile Photo
Milton Machuca-Gálvez
International Collections
Watson Library, Room 501A
1425 Jayhawk Blvd.
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045