East Asian Art Resources: Getting started

Basic English-language resources for researching Chinese, Japanese, and Korean art

KU Library Catalog

Other Library Catalogs

Selected Online Projects


The University of Kansas has had a strong program in East Asian Studies and East Asian Art History for over 50 years. The Kress Department of Art History has four faculty teaching Chinese, Japanese, and Korean art. The Spencer Museum of Art has a collection of Asian art, a curator of Asian art, and an active exhibition program. To support the multiple academic disciplines that study East Asia, the KU Libraries offers an East Asian Library where the librarians select materials in the languages of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean and offer expert research assistance. In addition to the thousands of books written in the vernacular languages, the KU Library also purchases materials in English and European languages that document the history and culture of East Asia. The focus of this LibGuide is on those materials that support the study of East Asian art.

Articles & Databases

Web Directories

Websites organized by category and subcategory assembled by specialists in the subject field.  

Fine Arts & Humanities Librarian

Profile Photo
Andi Back
Art & Architecture Library

(785) 864-3020


Research Help

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