Art History: Articles and Databases

Basic sources for researching an art historical topic including finding books, journal articles, biographies, images, and web directories.

Indexes & Bibliographies

To learn of an article in a journal on a topic that you are researching, you may need to use an index or bibliography. These tools can be searched like the Library Catalog using names, keywords, phrases, word combinations, etc. Different indexes may present the information in a variety of formats so you need to read the page carefully to determine how to proceed. Some indexes will only provide a CITATION to the article while others may provide a full-text version. If there is only a citation, look for the KULINK symbol to learn if there is a full-text online version, a paper copy in the library, or, if KU does not own, an option to borrow through Interlibrary Loan.

General indexes

Architecture Indexes

Dissertations & Theses Indexes

Dissertations are the final research project for PhD students and a thesis (in America) is usually the project done by a Masters student. These may focus on a limited topic with an extensive bibliography.

Newspaper Indexes

Frequently historic newspaper accounts can be primary sources for exhibitions and other reception documentation.  Also good for patronage verification and biographical/obituary accounts.

Some LibGuides are available that provide links for additional newspaper options are Historic American Newspapers and Current Newspapers.

Art Indexes & Bibliographies

Humanities & Selected Other Pertinent Indexes