Articles, Archives & Databases
Slavic and Eurasian Studies Databases (English & Foreign Languages)
Multi-Subject Databases (Mostly in English)
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State Archives
Central State Archive of Public Associations and Ukrainians
The National Archive comprises documents of national importance, political and public associations operating on the territory of Ukraine before 1991 and of independent Ukraine, documents that are cultural and historical heritage of Ukraine, documents about repressed citizens and leadership bodies, etc. Documents of the Communist Party of Ukraine represent the main body of this archive.
Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyїv
The archive consists of documents from various periods of Ukrainian history, dating back to Hetmanate period. The website has a catalogue of the Perish registers, sorted by the churches and their locations, in digital and scanned formats.
Central State Archive for Audiovisual and Electronic Materials
The materials available in this archive date back to the late 1800s, which hold more than 63,000 film documents, over 390,000 visual documents, and 45,000 sound recordings. They represent Ukrainian historical periods of the 19th-20th centuries. The website is available in Ukrainian language only.