Supernatural in Russian Literature and Film: Manage Sources

Focuses on literary works and film that are considered part of the genre of the supernatural


Manage Sources: A Toolbox

This LibGuide recommends two digital tools, Zotero and Endnote, for managing source citations.  While other tools, such as RefWorks, Mendeley, Reference Manager, or other online applications may be more familiar to the user, KU Libraries currently provides access to Zotero and Endnote for KU faculty, staff, and students.   

Zotero Tutorial - Step by Step Guide

Zotero Tutorial - Quick Overview

EndNote Tutorial

Manage Your Sources and Citations

Manage Sources and Citations


Keep track of your sources, generate citations and bibliographies, and store documents.  Zotero lives within the Firefox browser or as a stand alone window in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Get started by clicking on the first tutorial on the left and following the instructions as you watch. Download Zotero from  For additional help, click the links below.

Manage Your Sources and Citations

Manage Sources and Citations




Use Endnote to build your library of references.  You can create multiple libraries using Endnote. Endnote is a software program that KU students can download for free.  To get started watch the Tutorials on the left or sign up for an IT workshop.  To learn more, click the link How to Select and Use Citation Management Tools (see also below).