GERMAN 580: German-Speaking Europe Today: Research Help

This guide supports library research for students taking GERM 580: German-Speaking Europe Today {Dr. Lorie Vanchena]

Video Tutorials

Using Quick Search

Boolean searching

How to search for sources effectively?

Trail Photo

Follow the Bibliographic Trail:  One proven method for gathering reliable information efficiently is to follow the citations or references from one source to another.   The author's bibliography can lead you to other sources on the topic.

Identify Keywords:  Before searching the Library Catalog or other databases, take a few minutes to write down all the words that describe your topic on the worksheet below.  Use these words and phrases in keyword or Boolean searches.

Boolean Searching:  Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to connect keywords for phrases in your searches:  Example:  (solar OR wind) AND energy AND russia NOT Moscow.

Selecting Your Topic & Brainstorming Keywords

Brainstorm ideas for a research topic.

Formulate a research topic that is not too general or too narrow.

Turn your topic into a research question.

Pick out the main subjects/concepts from your research question.

Brainstorm keywords related to the subjects/concepts in your research question.