GERMAN 580: German-Speaking Europe Today: Citing Sources

This guide supports library research for students taking GERM 580: German-Speaking Europe Today {Dr. Lorie Vanchena]

The Craft of Research


MLA Citation Style

MLA Style (from OWL Purdue)

The preparation of papers and manuscripts in MLA Style is covered in part four of the MLA Style Manual.

Citation Style

Listed below are the citation styles and links to guides commonly used in the field of social sciences. However, always check with your professor first before using a specific style.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style Guide

APA Sample Reference List Citations

How to prepare an annotated bibliography?

What is a Literature Review?

literature review provides an overview of what has been published on a topic by respected scholars and researchers.  It includes a critical analysis of the relationship among the publications. It conveys to the reader that you are aware of the research in the field and what its strengths and weaknesses are.

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