Technical Reports: NASA

Track down technical reports on topics as varied as climate change and rocket propulsion by using a combination of government sites, KU Libraries catalog, and databases.


Options for searching for NASA documents:

Search NTRS, NASA Technical Reports Server

National Technical Information Service, NTIS

Technical Report Archive & Image Library, TRAIL

Library general search.

For documents not available online note the citation details, and check our NASA print and microfiche collections in Anschutz Library. As always ask at the reference desk or on the chat for assistance.

Tips for locating NASA documents not available online:

1. Search NTRS for the document citation details.

2. Microfiche documents dated before mid 1996 are filed in Anschutz Library by the Accession number. (example; 96N29796)

3. Microfiche documents dated after mid 1996 are filed in Anschutz Library by the Document ID (example: 19960029344)

4. Print documents are shelved in Anschutz Library by the catalog number (example: NAS 1.15:1115999).

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