Technical papers: Getting Started

Track down technical reports on topics as varied as climate change and rocket propulsion by using a combination of government sites, KU Libraries catalog, and databases.

Technical papers

Locate technical reports with a combination of searches on the web, the KU Libraries catalog, and databases. In the microfiche collection KU Libraries holds many technical papers for AIAA, NASA, NACA, and NTIS. If you need assistance in locating technical reports, please let us know.

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Try the search tools from professional organizations for technical reports including conference proceedings.

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TRAIL - Technical Report Archive & Image Library Search

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Search U.S. government technical reports issued primarily prior to 1976 and digitized by TRAIL.

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AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

NASA - National Aernautics and Space Administration

STI - Science and Technical Information

NTRS - NASA Technical Report Server

CASI - Center for AeroSpace Information

DTIC - Defense Technical Information Center