Start your search for books on a particular topic using the KU Libraries Catalog or the Quick Search feature. If you need to request an item not owned by KU, check to see whether it is available for Interlibrary Loan.
Follow these steps to see print items most recently purchased by the KU Libraries:
1. From the Library Homepage look under Find and choose Library Catalog
2. The Catalog will open to the Simple Search tab. Choose the New Items tab instead.
3. Choose which KU Libraries' location(s) you are interested in searching, how recent (1-4 weeks) the new items should be, and how you want to sort your results (by title, author, or call number).
As you conduct your research using the KU Libraries Catalog and the Quick Search bar on the library home page, use Library of Congress (LC) Subject Headings for items that look useful in order to find other titles on similar topics.
The following are some examples of LC Subject headings relevant to Rhetoric and Composition:
These items are just a few of the print and electronic titles we have acquired in the past couple of years relating to Rhetoric and Composition: