MUSC 801 - Music Bibliography and Research: Finding Music Materials

Guide for students of Musicology 801 on how to use the library and find resources

Music & Dance Floormap

Call Numbers for Scores and Books

If you know the call number range for the topic or genre you are looking for, you can browse by call number in the Music & Dance Library stacks. You can also browse by call number in the Library Catalog. 


See also: 

Audio and Visual Media

CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes are held behind the circulation desk. To check out one of these items, find its call number in the online catalog and ask for it at the desk. Vinyl records are primarily stored in the Sound Archive collection in Anschutz or at the Library Annex; users wishing to check out vinyl records should be aware that there will be a delay while these items are shipped to the Music & Dance Library.

A word on searching for sound recordings:

The CD collection is organized in order of acquisition, rather than by LC Call Number and subject classification. CD call numbers will start with "COM DIS" in the catalog. To search CDs in the Library Catalog, select "AND, OR, NOT (Keyword Boolean) from the drop down menu and use "AND Digital" in your search parameters. This will narrow your results to CDs and DVDs. 

Using the Libraries