COVID-19 KU Libraries & Community Resources: Home

Access to KU and community library, museum, and cultural online resources

COVID-19 KU Libraries & Community Resources

                                         Photo courtesy of the Kansas Wildflowers database

Access to KU and community online library, museum, and cultural materials:

  1. Accessible Library Resources for Kansas Residents
    Information regarding free online resources accessible to off campus learners.
  2. Lawrence Public Library
    Updated information concerning library materials and services and easy, digital access to books, newspapers, and films.
  3. Kansas Digital Newspapers

    Freely available historic Kansas newspapers
  4. Federal Library Depository Program COVID-19 Resource Guide

    COVID-19 links and resources for Federal Depository patrons and librariansLitCovid, a research literature repository curated by the
  5. National Library of Medicine, LitCovid
    A research literature repository curated by the National Library of Medicine 
  6. Lied Center

    "Beyond the Stage” with the Lied Center provides online engagement with outstanding musicians, actors and dancers
  7. Spencer Museum of Art
    "Spencer Art at Home" provides new ways to engage with the Spencer Museum from the comfort of home
  8. Hall Center for the Humanities

    Providing intellectual community and engagement despite physical distancing
  9. KU Digital Collections
    A showcase and point of connection for digital projects and collections from disciplines across the KU campus
  10. Haskell Indian Nations University
    Information update from Haskell as it follows the outbreak of COVID-19
  11. Humanities Kansas

    Kansas road trips, oral histories, essays and photos - a virtual exploration of Kansas culture.

Access to KU and community online wellness resources:

  1. Community Tool Box

    Coronavirus Response Tool Box
  2. Center for Service Learning (CSL) - Virtual COVID-19 Volunteering

    A living resource of FAQs and relevant resources to assist with virtual volunteering, teaching,and learning
  3. Lawrence Memorial Hospital

    COVID-19 Information for LMH Health
  4. Lawrence, KS Public Schools

    USD 497 COVID-19 resource guide
  5. KCUR - What Kansans Need to Know about COVID-19

    Regularly updated information on the coronovirus in Kansas

About this Guide

Please contact Sarah Goodwin Thiel, Faculty & Community Engagement Librarian, if you have questions or comments about this guide.