These databases provide articles, reports, directory information, business and financial data and statistics in the area of International Business.
To get started, begin at the KU Libraries web site:
Here are BUSINESS DATABASES I recommend:
Provides abstracts of articles on business and management from U.S. and international professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines, and regional business publications. Full-text articles are available for a significant portion of journals indexed. The subscription includes access to ABI/INFORM Dateline, Global, Trade & Industry, and Archive.
American firms operating in foreign countries
Contains American companies that have a substantial investment in overseas operations--wholly or partially owned subsidiary, affiliate or branch.
Provides business and industry content in the following areas: periodical articles, news articles, and press releases; detailed information for domestic and international companies and associations, including information on corporate hierarchical structures; investment reports; corporate chronologies and company histories; brands and product information; industry and company rankings; financial overviews; industry overviews; HR Law Case Digests
This database provides full text from more than 7,400 scholarly business journals (over 1,100 are peer-reviewed) and periodicals covering management economics, finance, accounting, international business and more. Business Source Premier contains full text from the world's top business journals and is particularly strong in both management and marketing, including Harvard Business Review and California Management Review.
Ciao : Columbia International Affairs Online
Columbia International Affairs Online is a comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It accesses a wide range of scholarship that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs.
Foreign firms operating in the United States
Foreign firms listed have a substantial investment in American operations--wholly or partially owned subsidiary, affiliate or branch.
GDF is the electronic version of the World Bank's statistical directory of developmental country finance. It provides current data on the debt and financial flows for the 138 countries that report public and publically-guaranteed debt to the World Bank's debtor reporting system. Focus is on country investment data as well as the credit valuation of a country, necessary to assess investment prospects.
GEM is the World Bank's portal for analysis of current economic trends, and economic and financial indicators. GEM features up-to-date analysis on global economic conditions, including a daily brief and event-driven focus reports, direct access to high-frequency datasets via Quick Query, forecasts for commodity prices and main macroeconomic indicators for over 130 countries.
Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, patents, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.
Contains bibliographic citations to articles, book reviews, documents, original literary works, and other materials appearing in social science and humanities journals published throughout the world that regularly contain information on Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the United States-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the United States. Many of the citations are linked to full text.
HLAS online : handbook of Latin American studies
A bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, the multidisciplinary Handbook alternates annually between the social sciences and the humanities.
Subscribers to IMF Data can use this new tool to access authoritative, harmonized global statistical databases, including the following: International Financial Statistics: All aspects of international and domestic finance, with history to 1948. -- Direction of Trade: Value of exports and imports between countries and their trading partners, with history to 1980. -- Balance of Payments: International economic transactions data and International Investment Position, with history to 1960. -- Government Finance Statistics: Budgetary and extra-budgetary financial operations data of governments, with history to 1990.-- Coordinated Portfolio Investment Statistics: Countries' year-end holdings of portfolio investment securities. Users will be prompted to download a plugin entitled Microsoft Silverlight to use these products.
Find publications of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is an intergovernmental organization focused on global economic security.
Includes full-text primary news sources, financial data, statistics, and legal information. A multilingual collection of news and information sources about the emerging markets of selected countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. KU Libraries subscription includes access to the EMIS (Emerging Markets Information Service) product only.
Provides access to: full-text of current news and up to the last 20 years; full-text company news & financial information; full-text federal, state & international legal materials; full-text and abstracted medical & health information; general reference sources.
Provides access to full page and article images with searchable full-text from 1851 to 4 years ago.
Provides tables and information on worldwide financial and economic statistics/indicators. Contains full-text content of the OECD monographs and reports, selected loose-leaf reference titles; selected periodicals; and the OECD statistical databases. Includes access to OECD Health Data and OECD Statistical Compendium. Produced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Portal for the World Bank Development Data Development Group that coordinates statistical and data work and maintains a number of macro, financial and sector databases. Topics include: agriculture, environment, financial sector, health, poverty, and many more. For additional World Bank resources, please click here.
Here are ADDITIONAL DATABASES that may be important for your research, depending on the topic you are investigating:
In addition, other specific databases may be found by viewing the KU Libraries database listings on the Libraries home page.
Finding me for additional assistance:
One of my central roles is to provide research consultation services for students and faculty at KU. You can find my contact information on the right hand side of this page or at the libraries main page under ‘Subject Librarians.'
As always, if you have any questions about these resources, please do not hesitate to contact me.