High School Policy Debate Topic (2011-2012): United States Space Policy: Legilsative Process

Guide to resources related to the 2011-2012 NFHS Policy Debate Topic : US Space Policy. The guide is also designed to assist debaters at the Jayhawk Debate Institute.

Introduction to Legislative Process for the Space Policy

The publications associated with the legislative history can be rich with relevant content. The trick is understanding how to the find the information and understand the context of the information.  Use the flowchart to learn about the legislative process.  Read more at THOMAS.gov's From a Bill to a Law: Learn about the Legislative Process.

Draft, Introduced, Amended Bills

  During this legislative process the content of a proposed bill can be debated and the text can be changed.

Committee Action/Inaction

While the bill is "in committee", the Committee can take action to gather more information (ask for government reports and hold hearings) and also write reports about the intent of proposed legislation.

Law -- Printed and Codified

Below are link to some of the optionl to access the full text of a public laws.  Keep in mind that most new public laws change existing earlier legislation.  To make more sense of the current law it is helpful to look at the "codified" version which compiles the laws into a cumulative text call the United States Code. 

How a Bill Becomes Law

Click on the image to access the LexisNexis flowchart illustrating the process by which a bill becomes a law. There you will be able to view additional information, "including tips related to your online research."  

President -- signs or vetoes

When presented with passed legislation, the President can take one of the following actions: sign into law, let the bill become law without a signature, "pocket veto", or "veto".  If the president makes public comment about the bill, the official transcript of the comments are published as "Presidential Documents".

Regulatory Activity

The Federal Register is an important communication tool used by the agencies to give notice and solicit feedback on proposed regulations.  

There are four types of content published in the Federal Register:

Coordinator, Goverment Informatin Services

Profile Photo
Carmen Orth-Alfie
University of Kansas Libraries
Watson Library
(785) 864-8929

Depository Library

The University of Kansas Libraries was designated a Federal Depository Library (FDL) January 27th, 1869 and a Regional Federal Depository Library (FDL) for Kansas August 19th, 1976.



The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) is a progam of the Government Printing Office (GPO).

Click here to view the Federal Depository Library Directory.