The library catalog:
Using the "Catalog: books & more" link search “Subject Headings” using general terms that interest you -- You may end up being redirected but that’s ok!
For example, if you entered “Foreign Direct Investments” you will be referred to
“Investments, Foreign”.
There are thousands of books related to China in our catalog, so use the subheadings to filter down to those you may be interested in. For example typical headings of interest could be:
- China—Commerce—United States—(followed by subdivisions)
- China—Commercial policy
- China—Economic Conditions (followed by chronological and topical subdivisions)
- China—Economic policy (followed by chronological and topical subdivisions)
- United States--Commerce--China
- Industrial policy--China
- Corporate culture--China
These are just examples--Follow the links for those items most useful to you! Questions or comments? Let me know!