Source: " The Council of the European Union"
Print Holdings:
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. Try limiting the publisher to European Union or adding to the
keywords: European Communities (for older materials) or European Union.
Print items are located in the Government Information section at
Anschutz Library.
Electronic Resources for more information look at the Guides section below):
Europa: Gateway to the European Union
Official portal of the European Union. Find guides by topic (i.e. energy, agriculture) and guides to EU documents.
European Union Publications Office
Find archives of publications, including the Official Journal of the European Union. Also find links to other services, such as the EU Bookshop.
Eurostat-Statistical portal of the European Union
Find statistics on many topics, including trade, labour, and the environment. Find data, tables, and publications.
EUR-Lex- Portal to European Union law.
Search the Official Journal of the European Union, legislation, treaties, and more.